Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Crikey the new Robert Jordan ghost-written Gathering Storm is a mighty beast! Brandon Sanderson has obviously studied Jordan's previous work well, and no doubt there are about six hundred separate references to an Aes Sedai twitching her shawl. Why did I ever stop reading that series..? Anyway, I promise to get my scales set up very soon so you get some accurate weight information. This crucial research can be delayed no longer.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Inaugural, unscientific posting

I don't have my precision book-weighing scales set up just yet, so I'll start by just saying that I read Neal Stephenson's Anathem in Trade Paperback (TP) format (ISBN 9781843549154) a while ago and it was pretty hefty. Imagine if I'd bought the Hardback (HB) version! It was 800 pages of creative intelligence that I felt just on the verge of understanding. See
 I also loved Stephenson's Baroque Cycle books because I enjoy footnotes in fiction works.